slow down mister

It's 10:30. I'm supposed to be in bed in 30 minutes haha. Tomorrow I'm going to Chautauqua (the ch sounds like a "sh") for 3 days to.. well I don't know what I'll be doing, Eric keeps me clueless to keep it interesting. Then a day and a half at home, and then WHOOSH up to New York for 2 months. Life goes too fast for this kid sometimes. But when it comes down to it, that's okay I guess, because you just gotta take things as they come. My brain has been processing some intense experiences, and they just keep coming. Sometimes I sort of disengage; my brain just soaks in details and stores it for long-term processing.

What does all this mean? I think it means my life is still in the seed stage. Given a little time and soil, all this stuff will grow into something meaningful, and my blog won't be quite as narcissistic. So if my life doesn't look as together as some of yours, well just go to the mustard seed you short-sighted pea-brained guano-munching self-satisfied pack of lemmings. (No hard feelings.)


Will said...

I just had a conversation with a friend about this topic. Interesting phrase--"seed staage." Hope all is well! -Will