Where I am, What I'm Doing

Right now I am in Taraccino's coffee using their wireless internet and drinking water. (I haven't had their coffee, and don't recommend their very bitter cappucinos.) My mom is letting me use her laptop for a couple months.

My employment situation is stable - I am working for my uncles, trying to be frugal, zero out my credit card, get organized in paying bills and college loans. The job involves lots of cleaning and sanding, getting very hot, sweaty, and dirty (and this week sunburned), and doing some careful painting (which I enjoy).

Housing has been a little weird - I've slept in several places and houses this week. Right now my coworker and spiritual brother John MacDonald is letting me set up my air mattress in his house. It's a great place. A more permanent housing situation may open up with a brother from Real Life church named James. Either way, I'm very happy and have been getting pretty good rest - enough to do the things that need doing.

Spiritually I am in a place where I am learning how to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. "Faith" can be very abstract, and an excuse for foolish action; so I am praying for humility, wisdom, purity, integrity, and an awareness of my incredible capacity for self-deception. Others are praying as well. The greatest thing is to just reach out for Christ; I don't know what else to do. And when others are reaching out alongside me, in their questions and in their prayers, it brings comfort and a confidence that God is taking care of His children.

My thoughts have been in a story I wrote with a couple people last night that needs to be finished, written down, and polished. It was a heck of a lot of fun; writing a story can be an adventure and a puzzle. At some point John and I may be able to make a movie at a really cool old factory a couple hours from here.

My thoughts are often distracted by questions of the future and my purpose, but at this point it is best not to worry but just to seek God out moment by moment, and spend time in study and contemplation. Right now that means studying scripture, maybe complimented by reading some poetry and doing some writing.

I need to buy some earplugs so I can think a bit more clearly in these coffee shops. Music can be really distracting, particularly if you are as good at getting distracted as I am.