Some recommended movies.

First of all, Ordinary People. It is a serious movie. But we spend enough time and money on mindless entertainment, using our minds and hearts now and then can't be so horrible. The Usual Suspects is a perfectly told mystery type movie. Lawrence of Arabia is the greatest epic film ever, even above Ben Hur; only watch it if you have a fantastic television and sound system or you haven't really seen it. Mothman Prophecies is very spooky and brilliant - it's not horror, just spooky. Blade Runner is a brilliant Ridley Scott sci-fi (Scott made the Alien movies) and is perfect - brings in questions about our existence and what it means to be human. The Director's Cut adds 30 seconds which totally change the movie, watch it a year after you've seen the normal version. (Normal Version first). Also, a cartoon I love: The Iron Giant. It looks like it's a kids movie. It's really not. I pretty much cried when I watched it.

Any fantastically good movies out there?