Endless editing annoyance...

You can really tell I was raised baptist, I'm an alliteration freak...

I spent quite awhile trying to get a blog entry with photos right, but the photo editing of this thing is awful. If I knew html thing might be different, but I'm html illiterate. So a post is coming but I'm attempting to find some blog editing software that will simplify this process a little. (And even then it probably won't work, but I'm not going to give up! ARRGHH!)


Elizabeth said...

if worse comes to worse...just take a picture of your picture! (that's what i did with the jars of clay pics). um, you are still better at this than me...i still don't know how to put my picture on my bio!

Elizabeth said...

guess what. there is a long john silvers right down the road from my work. yum. i am eating fish and shrimp.