part 1 crossing lines

so this morning i was playing my favorite band, "mewithoutyou", on my stereo. Probably it was a little loud because i just installed new speakers; ie i'm not sure how loud it sounds from other parts of the house.

what would you didn't know what the music was but didn't like it and you could hear it?

the seminary student who is subletting to me (who in general is a good guy but in everything pertaining to the apartment has been an a-hole) laid out his musical requirements early on. no playing of metallica, led zeppelin, etc, in the house. ie anything he might construe as evil. course i bend over backwards cuz these guys are lunatics who put me on permanent probation in their minds. if they had any sort of disagreements with me, ie they didn't like the kind of music i play on my guitar, they would tell me to stop; if i didn't, they would have no problem kicking me out.

so this morning the previously mentioned individual walks in and tells me to cut that music. its "passionate" but especially heavy. it's not metal. the guy tells me he doesn't like it so i can't play it.

ah now we get at what the nuthead's christianity is really all about: people have to look and think like me. they are thinking, if i dont like a certain kind of music, it must not be good music. they wouldn't ever think that out loud, cuz it is so obviously stupid, but they think it. (btw their standards are usually generously hypocritical.)

i decided they had crossed a line, made a fuss about the band being one of the most god-glorifying bands that i knew of, the song ("torches together" about god making us into the body of christ, incredibly beautiful) being beautiful and rich, and finally told him that just because he didn't like music did not mean i was not going to play it. he didn't like it, but short of being threatened out of the house i wasn't going to budge. you have to put your foot down somewhere. that somewhere is mewithoutyou heh. he compromised to me having it vewy quiet. i probably can still turn my stereo up with rich mullins or classical without anyone complaining, which is a relief.


Anonymous said...

amen... mewithoutyou is completely worth it...