900 Miles Later

Well I drove about 900 miles between Saturday 7 AM and Sunday 10 PM. Experiences: Boston, Vermont, Massachusets, hot tubs, non-Baptist baptismal services, abusive cops, friendly dogs, strange sick-amore (love sick?) trees, clock towers and disassembling a piano to remove a paperclip.

Vermont Pizza is GREAT! (Who woulda thunk?)

Oh I made a new word. Ya know those trucks that go by really fast and make yer car sorta swerve for a split second? Those are called "whooshers."


Will said...

One of my future brothers did a driving tour of several Sigma Chi chapters across the nation. So many hundred (or was it thousand?) miles in only four days of our Spring Break.

I would have joined him--if only to get some Vermont pizza ;)

Elizabeth said...

whooshers...i like it!

and i would walk 500 miles, and i would walk 500 more....just to be .......who walks 1000 miles to fall down at your door...