My what bright walls you have

I am finally going to be moving into a place this week! I cannot wait to get a desk, get my music and books set up, and have a central place to study and work on projects. I have a lot of projects I'm eager to dive into. I feel like a little kid, it's so exciting to have a place to put my stuff. Living out of my backpack and a duffel bag has gotten so stale.

The only downside so far is I haven't met my future roommate, nobody I'm going to be living with knows I'm a musician (oops), and they painted my bedroom walls bright neon green. I mean, if we all painted walls this color, we wouldn't need lamps in our houses cuz the walls pretty much glow. So I will have a room and a real bed and a home for my musical and computeral equipment, but might lose my sanity, or go blind or something.


Anonymous said...

hey mister... i forgot to ask how the meeting with your future roommate went this morning??? hopefully swimmingly!