If only I'd packed a kitchen sink...

Sorry for the lack of updates - to think, just yesterday I was condemning Derek Webb for not updating his podcast. To me:"Hey wackadoo, Luke 6:41!" And the only reason I'm updating is because it provides a distraction from a more difficult writing task (a resume). Whenever I have something difficult to accomplish, I suddenly get the energy to do all sorts of non-essential very fun creative things, like update my blog or work on my book of mojo. Handy. Alright, on to greasier subjects.

After all these months, I still lack a kitchen. Sort of. The slobs with whom I share this apartment manage to keep the kitchen greasy, filthy, and disgusting at all times. As a rule, I stay far away. I have barely enough courage to walk past the oven to access the microwave. And that's when the heaping kitchen garbage can doesn't scare me away. Reminds me of that early section of pilgrim's progress. You know, the part with the big rock overhang... never mind.

So, here are the (mostly) kitchen-free foods on which I depend: ramen noodles, hormel microwave meals (tasty and they don't require refrigeration), milk and cereal, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, bananas, granola bars (for those times I miss breakfast in particular - much better energy sources than donuts), yogurt, and hot pockets. I still have to use the fridge a bit, but the fridge is actually not too bad. When I get an apartment in Tampa, hopefully within a couple weeks, I have but one major requirement: A KITCHEN! It will be a challenge to learn good cooking habits, but it will be fun too. Any low-cost kitchen-free food ideas to get me through the next couple weeks, let me know.


Elizabeth said...

you should come over and copy down recipes....then you'll have a good place to start for some fun cooking!

Pilgrim said...

I'd better hurry before you get shipped to Mexico!

kiltsandthistles said...

MIAMI MIAMI?!?!? You didn't give Iowa spring a chance?!? Well now I have a good excuse to come to Florida. What takes you there?

kiltsandthistles said...

oops Tampa Tampa :-)

Carl said...

So you avoided the defiled kitchen by eating fast "unclean" foods :), now you know your priorities. I hope you find a decent apartment. Remember if you are looking at staying there a while sometimes buying a 2 bedroom 1 bath "townhouse" is sometimes about the same monthly payment as a rental. It's like your getting a mortgage for a glorified townhouse; but it builds your credit like crazy.